

strategic marketing and neuromarketing (NM)

Segment marketing

The identification of groups with similar preferences, purchasing power, geographic location, attitudes and buying habits.

Local positioning

The location of the premises or warehouse, taking into account the competition and the accessibility and proximity to customers, is essential.

Service marketing

Mostrarse como un proveedor de soluciones es clave. Desarrolle habililidades que hagan de su servicio algo único o sencillamente que se identifique con su marca de manera inequívoca.

NM Sensorial

Associate the senses with the brand so that a differentiation of it is perceived with respect to the competition.

Experience NM

Promote a positive relationship with the consumer before, during and after the purchase, with the aim of turning them into followers of the brand.

Environmental NM

Known as green marketing, it links a brand, product and/or service to an ecologically conscious image.